Market situation analysis
The following video is a presentation and explanation for our selected clients so that you can clearly understand our cooperation program, the consumer situation in China, and the market channels we manage to maximize the potential of your brand.
消费形势 Consumer market situation
What is a pop-up in China ? What is a modern brand ? What kind of FMCG products is the most popular ? What is the meaning of brand communication? We will answer your questions one by one, and help you to spread your brand in China.
爆品在我们这里的定义是= 大牌/大牌同款+知名创意总监+市场流通(B端供应链会采购/终端客户拥戴)+品牌公关形象持续曝光在大众上+超过六个月的销售是平稳而且上升的单品+品牌内涵具有价值,并且公认的品牌统一形象,我们也简称为品牌文化。在国内,我们一般在小红书(中国ins)、大众点评寻找爆品。
In China, the hottest products means= a big brand or look-alike a big brand with the same SKU+ famous creative director + market circulation (BTB supply chain/ end customer) + brand PR image continued exposure on the public + more than six months of sales is a rapidly growing in a single product + brand intrinsic value, and recognized brand unified image, we also referred to as brand culture.In China, we generally look for the hottest products in RED (China ins), through public review.
Hot Product In China And The Definition Of A Modern Brand
What Is Brand Communication And Brand Equity
Brand communication refers to the various direct and indirect methods by which companies inform consumers about their brand, persuade them to buy the brand, and maintain a brand bounding with the customer. Communication methods can be divided into online and offline communication. Communication plays a key role in shaping the value of a brand. Brand communication creates brand value, in which brands value and brand communication are closely linked. For consumers, brands and brand values are the way they "think" of products as part of their personality.
Lanxuan's brand communication path = planning + design + communication and promotion + new media + e-commerce + traditional distributors + retailing.We focus on the three competencies and capabilities to produce professional results.Any part of the brand function requires the effective collaboration of the three competencies to produce professional results.
What Are The FMCG Brands That
Lanxuan Works With In China
在当前实体经济下行压力剧增、大环境步入经济衰退的状况下,快消品的使用反而更受欢迎,时尚、美观、实用、环保的品牌也更容易受到消费者的喜爱。我们兰轩国际有和超过300个FMCG 快消品牌合作,单品数量超过三万个SKU,一般以订货作为基础,交货为30天。
In the current downward recession on the real economy, the purchase of FMCG products is even more popular. People expect more fashionable, beautiful, practical, and environmentally friendly approaches.In addition, we work with more than 300 FMCG brands with more than 30,000 SKUs, usually on an order basis with a 30-day delivery time.
Consumer products may need to secure approval from the Chinese National Medical Products Administration, or NMPA before launching in China. The Chinese National Medical Products Administration is an official governmental organization that oversees and regulates the safety of medicine, medical equipment, and cosmetics in China. Select products must secure NMPA approval before entering China. This video will be an informational guide to NMPA approval, and will have three components: 1) about the NMPA approval process, 2) about Lan Xuan’s product range, and 3) which categories and which specific products require approval.
NMPA Approval
About the approval process and which products need approval
OEM Factories
How Lanxuan can help OEM factories successfully transform in China
The acronym “OEM" stands for Original Equipment Manufacturer. Currently, OEM factories are facing difficulties, namely rising labor prices and competition, and want to transform by branding their products and selling under their own brand. This video introduces the 4 phases of OEM transformation, how Lanxuan can assist this change, and also includes 3 full case studies of successful OEM-turned brands.
中国的税务分成很多税种,但在产品进入中国时,关税和增值税是最重要的两种。关税是指国家对通过其关境的进出口货物的税收,增值税则是在流转过程中产生的增值额作为计税依据而征收的税。商品在进入中国时必须缴纳关税和增值税,才能合法在中国售卖。这个视频将介绍中国的税务信息,并分为四部分:1)关于中国的税务, 2)兰轩的经营范围,3)中国关税,4)中国增值税。
There are many types of taxes in China, but when products try to enter China for sale, tariffs and VATs are the most crucial. Tariffs are taxes that are incurred when goods cross national borders, while VATs are incrementally charged taxes as goods and services are circulated. Products must be cleared for tariffs and VATs to be legally sold in China. This video will introduce Chinese tax information, and contain four parts: 1) about taxes in China, 2) Lanxuan’s product range, 3) Chinese tariffs, 4) Chinese VAT.
Taxes, Explained
Introducing China’s Tariffs and Value Added Tax (VAT)